Ripped from the Pages of My Journal

These past few days I’ve been doing my best to keep myself busy in attempts to ignore this ever-growing knot in the pit of my stomach. I’ve silenced myself from the world — nothing personal to anyone but I just needed the time and space to collect my thoughts. Sometimes I really hate just how…

The Makings of a Woman.

What does it mean to be a woman? Is being a woman contingent on the appearance of my body — the size and perkiness of my breasts or the firmness of my derriere? Is being a woman based on the old school “tradition” of being a domesticated housewife? To be a woman, am I defined by…

Woman, thou art.

I used to think that I had my entire life mapped out. I’ve always had this image in my head of what “adulting” looked like; I always had this ‘plan’ of what my life was going to look like once I became a “real adult“.

Encourage Yourself.

Superwoman. Queen. Goddess. Caretaker. Mother. Sister. Girlfriend. Wife. 

The Day I Made the Decision to be A Bad Bitch.

The day that I decided that I was a bad bitch was the best day of my life and ultimately the best decision that I have ever made. Now, I don’t really care to get into the politics or the history of the term ‘bad bitch’ and how it is “offensive” and blah blah blah….

Maybe I’m Not So Perfect

Reaffirmations. Learning about yourself and finding yourself is a lifelong journey. With that being said, I don’t know why on earth I really thought that in a mere 21 days that I would just magically rediscover myself. Especially without tearing back layers upon layers upon layers of lies and bullshit that I covered myself in…


I have this uncanny ability to go in on these random rants on different social media outlets. But honestly, ‘ranting‘ is what keeps me sane. Whether it’s writing or producing a video or just having a conversation with someone…it’s having that expressive side of me that allows me to be emotional. It is with this…


Going bra-free has nothing to do with revealing my anatomical body parts or “getting attention”. But it does have everything to do with freedom.